ActiveJob logs as JSON
Whenever we have to investigate a problem or monitor the behaviour of our app logs are a powerful tool but it can be overwhelming to produce/manage properly.
By default ActiveJob comes out of the box with text formatted logs
Performing HelloWorldJob (Job ID: ec2c75f1-e683-48bb-bf80-bab5a12d0262) from Sidekiq(default) enqueued at 2022-10-01T19:06:09Z with arguments: {:from=>"Belgium", :to=>"Canada"}Performed HelloWorldJob (Job ID: ec2c75f1-e683-48bb-bf80-bab5a12d0262) from Sidekiq(default) in 0.35ms
Those lines are produced by ActiveJob::LogSubscriber.
When an action is triggered, a job being enqueued or performed, ActiveJob emit an event thanks to ActiveSupport::Notifications.
We can write a new LogSubscriber which will output JSON formatted informations.
The last step is to unsubscribe the text version and subscribe the newly created JSON version.
# Disable text version
ActiveJob::LogSubscriber.detach_from :active_job# Enable json version
ActiveJob::LogSubscriberJson.attach_to :active_job
The same job execution will output JSON formatted logs.
We can now perform complex queries against our log files, build indexes etc … without having to worry about doing any parsing operation.
Output example in AWS CloudWatch: